Microfine Basalt 32 lbs.

Your Price: $68.00
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Part Number:BasaltMicro32
  • BASALT STONE FLOUR:A Dry Stone Flour for Liquid Suspensions and Ground Applications
Basalt Microfines is the BEST paramagnetic regional rock dust for remineralization in a stone flour gradation. Works in fruit and vegetables, turf, forestry, greenhouse and for remineralizing compost. This rock dust may be incorporated directly into growing media or suspended in liquid for fertigation, drenches, watering house plants etc. May be incorporated into potting soils up to 5% by volume. Will not burn plants. Suggested application rates: Between 5-25 lbs/ 100 sq. ft in tillage or incorporation or spread on the surface. Use higher rates in tillage. In solution up to 1/2 lb./ gal. Agitate to keep particles in suspension. For house plants spread a thin layer on the surface of the soil and water in. For compost use up to 25 lbs. per cubic yard of compost raw material. Delivered in a 32# box. Please use caution when handling this powder to avoid respiratory inhalation. Instructions are in the box. Geochemistry

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